Tuesday 7 June 2011

Isaiah 57 Series: God-Idol Part 1.

 3 “But you—come here, you witches’ children,
      you offspring of adulterers and prostitutes!
 4 Whom do you mock,
      making faces and sticking out your tongues?
      You children of sinners and liars!
 5 You worship your idols with great passion
      beneath the oaks and under every green tree.
   You sacrifice your children down in the valleys,
      among the jagged rocks in the cliffs.
 6 Your gods are the smooth stones in the valleys.
      You worship them with liquid offerings and grain offerings.
   They, not I, are your inheritance.
      Do you think all this makes me happy?
 7 You have committed adultery on every high mountain.
      There you have worshiped idols
      and have been unfaithful to me.
 8 You have put pagan symbols
      on your doorposts and behind your doors.
   You have left me
      and climbed into bed with these detestable gods.
   You have committed yourselves to them.
      You love to look at their naked bodies.
 9 You have given olive oil to Molech[a]
      with many gifts of perfume.
   You have traveled far,
      even into the world of the dead,[b]
      to find new gods to love.
 10 You grew weary in your search,
      but you never gave up.
   Desire gave you renewed strength,
      and you did not grow weary.

Immediately here we see the focus changes from the men of God who are being rescued from the world they are IN, to the idolatrers who are OF the world.
The first thing that sticks out to me is this idea of being MOCKED wich appears in verse 4. It points out that the actions of these people is actually mocking to God. I would say that if this verse were to be paraphrased another way, it would say 'Who are you to mock God? You represent everything that is wrong, you give yourselves to sins and lies.'
It then goes on to point out what is wrong with the way they are living. This is important to us, because I think we are all guilty of many of these things - even as Christians. Here is the list, and in brackets I will put an example of how this could apply to us:
Worshiping Idols with a passion (sports stars, celebrities, etc)
Making sacrifices to them (paying money to them, buying the football shirts, etc)
'Your God's are the smooth stones of the valley' (substitute stones for something more modern - i.e a premiership footballer)
'They, not I, am your inheritance' (Instead of getting God, the gifts of the spirit, eternal life, a seat next to the Lord in Heaven, you're inheritence is... Wayne Rooney)
'You have committed adultery on every high mountain.
      There you have worshiped idols
      and have been unfaithful to me.' (When you worship , for example, Wayne Rooney, you are actually commiting adultery with him against God. Nuff said)
'You have put pagan symbols
      on your doorposts and behind your doors.' (Posters of celebrities, etc)
'You have left me
      and climbed into bed with these detestable gods.' (gods = celebrities)
'You have committed yourselves to them.
      You love to look at their naked bodies.'
'You have travelled far... to find new God's to Love' (X-Factor, American Idol, America's Next Top Model, etc)

Just something to think about. Although this was aimed at people living Well over 2000 years ago, are we not just as guilty today? Something to think about...

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